Nanjia Civetta Asia Equity
The Funds objective is focused on stock selection on deeply discounted valuations, solid dividends and strong growth prospects to generate significant alpha vs comparable vehicles. The strategy provides long-only exposure to this dynamic region.
Civetta exploits idiosyncratic pricing opportunities that exist within ASEAN small-to-mid-cap equities (SME) which are driven principally by the lack of international analyst coverage and minimal institutional focus.
The team exploits these anomalies with their ‘boots on the ground’ on-site diligence, combined with deep-value, bottom-up stock picking, their 40+ years experience investing in local markets, and extensive personal relationships.

Alex Klein Tank
Portfolio Manager

James Moss
Portfolio Analyst
How to Invest?
You can invest in one of two ways:
- Invest via one of the platforms or life company through your Financial Adviser.
- Your wealth manager/ financial adviser can assist you to invest directly by contacting the fund administrator directly.

Alex Klein Tank
Portfolio Manager
Alex established Civetta Capital in 2011 where it continues to provide research services on ASEAN cash equity positions.

James Moss
Portfolio Analyst
James has been a top-ranked analyst during his time with leading sell-side equities firms including CLSA Asia-Pacific markets, HSBC and Nomura.
He has held the roles of Head of Research and Head of ASEAN banks during that time and has worked in Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and New York as well as directly covering stocks in Vietnam and the Philippines.
Key Points
ACCESS TO HIGH GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES – ASEAN is the fastest growing region globally. The portfolio consists of a portfolio of companies with low valuations, strong balance sheets, positive free cash flow making a compelling investment for investors looking for higher returns.
DISCOVERY OF ASEAN SMALL CAP MARKETS – Civetta focuses on ASEAN companies with a market capitalisation of US$0.1b to 1.5b (deemed as Small Cap).
Civetta’s fundamental, long only approach to this undiscovered market segment provides a unique opportunity to capitalise on the long-term growth potential of the ASEAN region.
EXTENSIVE INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE – The Civetta team have over 40 years of combined experience in managing ASEAN equity. Having pedigree and focus on the small and mid cap names gives Civetta significant differentiation within this niche asset class from its peers.
The combined experience provides strong and diverse industry relationships spanning various counterparties and market participants, helping facilitate security sourcing and best execution to enable alpha creation.
INVESTOR PROFILE – The Value Investor, such as Private, Family Offices and High Net Worth Clients seeking higher returns than traditional large cap names or ETF´s.
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