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Nanjia Cyrus Relative Value Fund

Nanjia Cyrus Relative Value Fund




Nanjia Cyrus Relative Value Fund

Cyrus Fund is advised by WaterValley Capital Management.

  • Cyrus is a relative-value trading program that seeks to exploit short term arbitrage or spread opportunities between the same or similar assets listed on global exchanges, with a focus on Chinese exchanges.
  • The program seeks to systematically extract profits from these short term manifestations that create arbitrage or spread opportunities and deliver alpha not correlated to traditional long bias strategies.
  • The program uses market neutral convergence, systematic equity trading techniques based on proprietary mathematical models.
  • The strategy aims to deliver 10% plus performance over the medium term with single digit volatility.

This share price movement originates from various drivers which we call ‘spread volatility’. Successfully capturing the ‘spread volatility’ enables Cyrus to deliver non market correlated alpha with low directional bias.

WaterValley started trading back in 2013, previously the team traded a similar strategy at Millennium and Credence. Stock index options was traded in the early days but over time and as the markets / program developed, trading progressed to single equity securities. WaterValley commenced the China equity trade back in 2017 where their ability to capture the unique arbitrage opportunity is enhanced through their physical presence in both in Shenzhen (trading locally and conducting research) and Hong Kong where they are a fully licensed with the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission.

Liqun Zhang


Liqun Zhang has over 10 years of high frequency trading experience.

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Pierre-Andre Ferriere


Pierre-Andre Ferriere has over 10 years experience of high frequency trading system implementation.

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How to Invest?

You can invest in one of two ways:

  1. Invest via one of the platforms or life company through your Financial Adviser.
  2. Your wealth manager/ financial adviser can assist you to invest directly by contacting the fund administrator directly.




Key Points



CROSS BORDER ARITRAGE – This strategy focuses on geographic spread trading opportunities in financial listed instruments among China, US and other international markets. By buying and selling the same assets listed on different exchanges simultaneously, this strategy generates alpha return with minimal directional exposure and close to zero correlation to any market indices.


NON CORRELATED ALPHA – The program seeks to systematically extract profits from these short term manifestations that create arbitrage or spread opportunities and deliver alpha not correlated to traditional long bias strategies.


SHORT DURATION SYSTEMATIC TRADING – The models aim to seek and identify short term patterns of price changes that manifest on dual listed or related securities. The program uses market neutral convergence, systematic equity trading techniques based on proprietary mathematical models.


INVESTOR PROFILE – The Balanced Investor, such as Private, Family Offices and High Net Worth Clients seeking higher returns than traditional large cap names or ETF´s.

The strategy aims to deliver 10% plus performance over the medium term with single digit volatility.

FundStream provides independent investment solutions to professional advisors to suit their clients portfolio preferences. Our investor network of professional investors include: pension funds, family offices, fund of funds and wealth managers in Europe, Asia and South Africa.


Kemp House
160 City Road

London EC1V 2NX
United Kingdom


Email - Investor Relations

+34 95 11 221 96
+34 95 11 221 97

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